A seguir você encontra os títulos de artigos de
uma revista científica.
1 | Gaining on Fat |
2 | Ring Bubbles of Dolphins |
3 | The Stellar Dynamo |
4 | Probing
High-Temperature Superconductivity |
5 | Gradients
That Organize Embryo Development |
6 | Sands of the World |
No seu caderno de respostas, combine esses títulos com as frases correspondentes que resumem os assuntos tratados na revista.
a) | The swirling, superheated fluids that make up the sun generate a titanically powerful magnetic field, which erupts through the surface to form dark sunspots. |
b) | A fertilizes egg miraculously divides and organizes itself into a mature organism consisting of trillions of cells. Where does all this complexity come from? |
c) | Ten years ago physicists discovered that some ceramic materials can transmit electricity without resistance at fairly high temperatures. |
d) | Obesity plagues the industrial world. Don´t blame sloth or gluttony - as researchers have discovered,weight problems are often rooted in genetics and physiology. |
(From SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, August, 1996:2-3)
Responda às questões 2, 3 e 4 com base no texto a seguir:
Herbs to Handle With Care
Though herbal supplements are no more dangerous than pharmaceutical drugs, they’re largely unregulated and can be harmful when misused. Some require special caution:
POSSIBLE DANGERS: Contains alkaloids that can damage tha liver when taken orally. Associated with at least seven cases of liver damage.
Yohimbe (Corynanthe
WHAT IT DOES: Tree bark marketed for body-building and male sexual
POSSIBLE DANGERS: Its major alkaloid ingredient raises blood pressure and can cause nervousness and fatigue at high doses. The FDA has received reports associating it with seizures and several deaths.
(Tussilago farfara)
WHAT IT DOES: This leaf is used in tea and contains large
quantities of vitamin C. It is commonly used to stop coughing and fight
respiratory infections.
POSSIBLE DANGERS: In Japanese studies, high concentrations caused cancerous liver tumors in rats. It is banned in Canada, though it is still common in Europe.
Senna (Cassia
WHAT IT DOES: A strong stimulant laxative often consumed as a
diet tea. Approved by the FDA as safe when properly labeled.
POSSIBLE DANGERS: Long-term use may rob the body of vital electrolytes, leading to cardiac arrhythmia. Senna tea is allegedly responsible for four deaths.
Chaparral (Larrea
WHAT IT DOES: Though no longer widely used, this evergreen desert
shrub is reputed to slow aging, treat skin disorders, alleviate arthritis and
prevent cancer.
POSSIBLE DANGERS: In 1992, the FDA warned that internal use could cause liver damage. At least six cases of acute hepatitis have been linked to consumption of the herb.
(From NEWSWEEK, May 13, 1996: 46-47
Indique que erva...
a) diminui o ritmo do envelhecimento;
b) alivia a tosse;
c) ajuda a criar massa muscular;
d) reduz a inchação causada por fratura.
Cite, em português, dois males que a erva
"Yohimbe" pode causar.
Os seguintes trechos foram
retirados do texto:
a) Senna -
"Approved by the FDA as safe when properly labeled."
b) Chaparral - "At least
six cases of acute hepatitis have been linked to consumption of the herb."
Chaparral - "In 1992, the FDA warned that internal use could cause liver
d) Yohimbe - "Tree-bark marketed for body-building..."
No seu caderno de respostas, indique os números que correspondem aos sinônimos das palavras sublinhadas.
1) injured | 5) sanctioned |
2) sold | 6) prevented |
3) heated | 7) connected |
4) prohibited | 8) cautioned |
Responda às questões 5 e 6, em PORTUGUÊS.
Qual é o motivo da queixa do dono do gato Garfield?
Qual é a razão da ansiedade do menino?
Responda à questão 7, em PORTUGUÊS, com base no texto que segue:
A: Keep in your garageanother 20 years. |
B: Donate to the SaturnCycle Recycle program. . It gets fixed up and givento an underprivileged child. . Child rides bike toschool every day. . Child gets perfectattendance record.(No tardies.) . Child gets scholarshipto med school. . Child grows up,becomes a doctor and issitting in a restaurant,where she notices youchoking on a roastedchicken bone, gives youthe Heimlich maneuver,and saves your life. . Now you’re even. |
Quais as duas sugestões que o texto dá ao dono de uma bicicleta usada?
Answer questions 8, 9 and 10, in ENGLISH, based on the following text:
Keep It in the Neighborhood
The European Union,
which provides 28% of Mercosur’s foreign imports, has already recognized the
trading bloc as a power to be reckoned with. Eager to take advantage of South
America’s rapidly expanding markets for consumer goods, the E.U. signed a
framework agreement at the beginning of the year to gain preferential access to
Separated by mountains, deserts, jungles and sometimes profound
mutual distrust, the nations of South America have found better trading partners
over the centuries in Europe and the U.S. than among their neighbors. Thus when
the Latin bloc was launched in 1991, skeptics had a field day. "Many people
dismissed Mercosur as just another attempt at integration that was doomed to
failure," recalls Michel Alaby, vice president of the São Paulo-based
Association of Brazilian Companies for Mercosur Integration. This time, however,
the four nations involved were already deregulating and privatizing their
economies and pulling down barriers to foreign trade. The idea of unifying these
free-market trends in a trade pact made perfect sense. Why ship manufactured
goods and produce to New York City and the Netherlands when there was a ready
marketplace just a few hundred kilometers away?
(From TIME, August 26, 1996: 28-29)
Say what the following terms
stand for:
a) "the trading bloc" (line 3)
b) "E.U." (line 5)
Besides geographical conditions, which other
reason is offered to justify the difficulty in trading between South American
Copy the parts of the text where
the following information about Mercosur is given:
a) people´s discredit of the project
b) the purpose of the project