
Responda às questões 1 e 2, em PORTUGUÊS, com base no texto a seguir.

Welcome to the wacky, wonderful world of the telenovela. Like samba or soccer, the telenovela, or novela for short, has been both an emblem and an addiction of Brazilian society for decades. The plots may sound soapy, but these televised serial dramas feature the country’s best actors, scriptwriters and directors. And they draw prime-time audiences that would be the envy of programming execs anywhere. With 33 million TV households, Brazilians spend 4 ½ hours per day in front of the tube, nearly as long as North Americans, the most plugged-in of peoples. On a given weekday, 70 million to 90 million Brazilians might sigh, swoon and chuckle at a novela.

(From NEWSWEEK, May 27, 1996: 37)

Indique, no seu caderno de respostas, as características comuns que o texto estabelece entre:

a) telenovelas samba e futebol
b) brasileiros norte-americanos

Especifique, com precisão, a quem e a que se referem os valores numéricos abaixo:

a) 4 ½
b) 33 milhões

Eis duas idéias criativas para modificar o uso convencional de certos produtos ou objetos:

(1) Butterstick

Why dirty a knife?
Somewhere beyond the lipstick, gluestick and the stick deodorant comes the latest in stick-type-applicator-technology: the butterstick. Its manner of use is self-evident. Besides toast, it is useful for buttering corn on the cob and crumpets; less useful, unfortunately, for buttering rice and peas.

(2) Finger-mounted toothbrush

Oral hygiene at your fingertips
When it comes to perfect oral hygiene, there’s one thing that always gets between you and your teeth - the handle of your toothbrush. We have removed this cumbersome impediment, and made toothbrushing a more hands on, or fingers on, experience. You can vary the pressure according to the sensitivity of individual teeth, and get in close to do more delicate work.

(From INDEPENDENT MAGAZINE, Oct. 7, 1995: 20, 22)

Preencha, em português, o quadro em seu caderno de respostas indicando para cada uma dessas idéias:

a) qual a característica inovadora do produto ou objeto
b) uma das vantagens da inovação


Responda, em PORTUGUÊS, às questões 1 e 2 com base no texto a seguir.

Young writers take heed. If you want good health, a satisfactory sex life, and longevity, then express yourself in verse, rather than playwriting or prose.

A new study suggests that poets are not the angst-ridden victims of their verbal /creativity that is popularly supposed. In fact, compared to playwrights and novelists they are models of mental and social stability.

An analysis of 100 well-known British and American writers - including Hemingway, Waugh, Conrad, and Scott Fitzgerald - found that poets suffered less severe depressions, alcoholism, personality deviations, and marital and sexual problems.

(From THE INDEPENDENT, May 1, 1996: 3)

A quem os poetas são comparados?

a) Que conselho o texto dá aos jovens escritores?
b) Por quê?


Observe as figuras a seguir:

July 1996: 198-9)

Em seu caderno de respostas, faça a correspondência entre cada figura e a legenda apropriada.


1. Cats are happy to let you drive.
2. Cats never claim they know how to fix large appliances.

3. Cats don´t complain when you get a short haircut.

4. Cats always look good first thing in the morning.

5. Cats never return the gifts you get them.

6. Cats never question how much you´re eating.

Answer questions 7, 8 and 9, in ENGLISH, based on the following text.

Altered image: Motor giant pays compensation to employees who found their faces didn´t fit

Negative publicity: The original photograph (top) showing the ethnic make-up of Ford´s Dagenham workforce and the new version, which has now proved to be an embarrassment

Ford workers angry as blacks are whited out

BARRIE CLEMENT - Labour Editor

When Henry Ford launched his Model T automobile, he told customers they could have it in any colour they liked - as long as it was black.

Mr Ford´s comments will be seen as bitterly ironic by British workers who were photographed to launch the "Everything we do is driven by you" advertising campaign in 1991.

Five members of ethnic minorities were invited to appear in the picture to show the racial mix of Ford´s workforce at Dagenham, but in an "ethnic-cleansed" version of the photograph last year, the black and brown faces had been mysteriously replaced by white ones.

Four of the five workers still working at Dagenham have since registered their anger over what they perceive as blatant racism.

(From THE INDEPENDENT, Feb. 21, 1996: 7)

In 1991, five members of ethnic minorities were asked to participate in an advertising campaign for Ford in Britain. Why?

Four of these five workers later accused the company of racism. Why?

What action did the Ford Company in Britain take as a consequence of the accusation?
